The Howard Bowmen
Signed in as:
The Howard Bowmen
Signed in as:
Each year the Howard Bowmen take part in a county wide Summer League consisting of 5 matches shot either home or away against other teams in Hertfordshire.
The matches are shot monthly from May to September (one match per month) and are a lot of fun and a great way to meet new people from different clubs.
To try and encourage more people to shoot Short Metric rounds and further bolster our team, we are now running a new Short Metric badge scheme, which will require three qualifying scores across a season to claim a new shiny badge! (Many thanks to Matt for designing them!)
A Short Metric consists of 6 dozen arrows shot over two distances - 3 dozen @ 50m and 3 dozen @ 30m and is shot on the 80cm face with metric scoring (X, 10, 9, 8, 7……1).
To qualify for the new award archers will just need to submit three scores across a single calendar year, following all the normal rules of shooting - cross scored on paper, 6 sighters (only at the longer distance) etc - If only one or two qualifying scores are achieved in a single year, that won't be enough to claim and all scores are reset every New Year's Day. If you attend any of the league matches this will go towards your three scores.
The new badges run from A through to F (see below table for qualifying scores) and only the highest badge achieved will be awarded to an archer (this includes multi bow style archers, so if you already have a B badge for Recurve you won't be able to submit for a C in Barebow, for example).
The qualifying distances for each age group and gender can also be found below.
As this is a new award scheme, the qualifying scores may be adjusted in the future.