The Howard Bowmen
Signed in as:
The Howard Bowmen
Signed in as:
The Howard Bowmen club is operated on a volunteer basis and any Member is welcome (and encouraged!) to put themselves forward to run on the Committee.
The archery year is from 1st October to 31st September and the club's Annual General Meeting is held in the middle of November, which is when the new committee is voted in.
Copies of the previous AGM are circulated prior to the meeting and nominations for each of the posts are requested in advance.
The Committee currently consists of the following roles:
The role of chairperson is to guide the club in the direction the Committee thinks it should go, and to develop and co-ordinate the work of the officers of the Management Committee. Acts as figurehead and provides strategic guidance for the future of the club.
Takes and manages the minutes of committee meetings and circulates final minutes to club members. Manages club events on ArcheryGB’s designated portal, currently Sport80, to ensure each event is properly registered and manages all correspondence directed to the Secretary of the club from ArcheryGB, SCAS and HAA.
Responsible for reporting on the club’s finances as well as for receiving and paying money on club’s behalf. The Treasurer also identifies and arranges any grants or funding opportunities that may arise.
Maintains Club Records and calculates and publishes members’ handicaps and classifications for both the indoor and outdoor seasons. Records and awards badges for other schemes that the club undertakes (HAA junior, 252, etc.) and enters the club into county and postal leagues, and submits league scores within the required periods.
Maintains the club's archery related equipment, re-ordering consumables as required. Also ensures all club equipment is checked and available prior to beginner courses and have-a-go sessions.
Arranges and presides over H.A.A. league matches and other club tournaments and also arranges monthly club Target Days where formal rounds are shot. Publicises and distributes information about local tournaments that may be attractive to club archers.
Arranges and maintains the club’s ‘hard’ infrastructure which includes grass cutting, hedge maintenance, fence repairs, building structure, roof, and utilities, calling on expertise within the club when necessary to facilitate repairs and maintenance.
Maintains details of club members and liaises with Archery GB and HAA on new members and any membership issues. Manages beginner’s course dates, attendees and waiting lists.
Arranges social events for club members and visitors and manages the end of season social events (Autumn and Spring). Manages the catering requirements for club days, inter-club events, and other club experience days such as family days and ensures kitchen and toilet consumables are re-ordered as required.
Responsible for keeping the website updated and ensuring web hosting is renewed each year.
Provides feedback to the Committee from the club's membership and undertakes ad hoc roles and responsibilities as and when needed.
Co-ordinates all junior activities, and provides a voice on the committee dedicated to junior members. Can be a junior or senior member of the club, but preferably should be elected by juniors.