The Howard Bowmen
Signed in as:
The Howard Bowmen
Signed in as:
The "252" is a round designed to help improve your archery and progress to longer distances, with the aim being to score at least 252 points (for a Recurve archer) at each qualifying distance.
There are different target scores for each bow style (see table below), but the round is generally still referred to as a 252, even when shooting compound, barebow, longbow etc
The 252 round consists of 6 ends of 6 arrows, which gives a total arrow count of 36, so to reach 252 points over the whole round you will need to average 42 points per end, or 7 points per arrow, which is the equivalent of all arrows landing in the red zone.
Three qualifying scores per distance must be submitted before a badge can be claimed, with the round being shot at the following distances marked in yards (rather than meters) on a 122cm face;
20yds 30yds 40yds 50yds 60 yds 80yds 100yds
And it is scored using the 5 zone method;
Gold = 9 Red = 7 Blue = 5 Black = 3 White = 1
To shoot and claim your 252 badge you just need to follow these steps;
The table below shows the scores required for each bow class*.
*Please note, Asiatic bows have only recently been recognised by Archery GB as a standalone bow style, as such there are currently no official score requirements set for 252s, or any other classifications.
The club (Howard Bowmen) have therefore set Asiatic bow scores which we consider to be appropriately challenging, which may change in the future, as and when AGB set official scores.